
Create a watcher object prepared to be used as a button using the standard neural network and watcher name for finger recognition.


(Watcher): Plain object descriptor for a watcher ready to be registered.


NOTE that all of the ways to create a button specified below are equivalent.

import lampix from '@lampix/core';

const callback = ([recognizedObject]) => {
  if (Number(recognizedObject.classTag) === 1) {
  } else {

// Showcasing how to do it the hard way first
const doingThingsTheHardWay = {
  name: 'NeuralNetworkClassifier',
  shape: {
    type: 'rectangle',
    data: {
      posX: 50,
      posY: 50,
      width: 50
      height: 50
  onClassification: callback,
  params: {
    neural_network_name: 'fingers'

// And the easy way after
const doingThingsTheEasyWay = lampix.presets.button(50, 50, callback);

// Specifying width and height as well
const anotherEasyWatcher = lampix.presets.button(50, 50, callback, {
  width: 50,
  height: 50

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